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SMAP 2024: a successful joint FPS/SFSM congress in Lille

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The new academic year got off to a flying start with the joint FPS and SFSM congress, held in Lille from September 16 to 19. The program was dedicated to mass spectrometry, its applications in proteomics and new developments in French research.

SMAP 2024: A major scientific event in Lille

Prior to the opening ceremony, members of the scientific societies were invited to workshops focusing on peptide identification using artificial intelligence-based computing tools, and on the evolution of TOF analyzers. At the same time, the young scientists were able to take part in a session organized by the companies' two youth clubs.

"The event began with a presentation by the two youth clubs, followed by a quiz on topics related to mass spectrometry and proteomics. Thematic round tables were then set up to enable participants to discuss in small groups their research topics or the challenges encountered in the course of their work. Topics covered included method development, bioinformatics, separative sciences, ion mobility, post-translational modifications and quantification. These discussions were a unique opportunity to delve deeper into themes, exchange views on participants' day-to-day challenges, share new ideas and explore new opportunities for their research. This workshop brought together 51 participants and was an excellent opportunity to foster exchanges, share experiences and extend professional networks." - FPS Youth Club


Photograph of all the participants in the FSP and SFSM youth club sessions at the SMAP 2024 conference.


The opening ceremony on Monday afternoon was conducted by Isabelle Fournier and the two company presidents, Delphine Pflieger and Joelle Vinh.

Photographs of the opening ceremony of SMAP 2024 which took place in Lille from September 16 to 19, 2024 with the presence of Isabelle Fournier, Joelle Vinh and Delphine Pflieger - from left to right).


The two scientific societies then each awarded a thesis prize to newly graduated doctors for the quality of their work. The SFSM awarded the prize to Ms Oznur Yeni, and the FPS to Mr Diego Fernando Garcia Del Rio, who had the opportunity to present his work to the assembly.

"I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the French Proteomics Society (FPS), its Scientific Committee and Board for awarding me the 2024 Thesis prize. Additionally, I would like to thank all the supervisors of my thesis: Michel Salzet (U. Lille), Amélie Bonnefond (U. Lille), Kris Gevaert, Sven Eyckerman (U. Ghent), and Tristán Cardon (U. Lille). Your unwavering support, guidance, and expertise were instrumental in shaping my research journey. To my committee members and fellow researchers who offered their time, knowledge, and constructive feedback: your contributions have been pivotal in bringing my work to completion." - M. Diego Fernando Garcia Del Rio

For more information, please see the article on the FPS website.


The conference then featured parallel sessions throughout the three days, with renowned guests such as Alexander Makarov, Karl Mechtler, Sarah Cianferani, Brice Bouyssière, Leila Birolo, Maarten Dhaenens and Sebastian Böcker, whose keynote sessions were extremely well attended.

There was also plenty of room for young researchers and students to present their work in flash talks, poster sessions or parallel sessions. In addition, a number of events were geared towards career development and professional networking, such as the young people's club sessions, the ECR session (Career Path: From Academia to Industry and Beyond) and the ECR evening event, which enabled young people to meet and discuss with industrialists and established scientists.

Finally, before the closing ceremony, FPS presented the "FPS Researcher Award" to Philippe Marin. He was thus able to present the major advances of his scientific career, including scientific discoveries, mentoring of numerous young scientists and intensive participation in French scientific life, notably through his role as President of the FPS.

"Je tiens tout d’abord à remercier une nouvelle fois la FPS et son Conseil d’Administration de m’avoir attribué le prix senior de la Société. Je suis très honoré de cette distinction qui m’a fait, soyez-en assurés, extrêmement plaisir. Comme je vous l’ai dit à Lille, ce prix récompense un travail collectif qui est le fruit d’une collaboration fructueuse entre l’équipe de recherche qui m’accompagne depuis près de 25 ans et la plateforme protéomique de Montpellier que j’ai eu l’honneur de diriger pendant 10 ans et qui a toujours eu le souci d’apporter à ses utilisateurs des technologies et des solutions en analyse protéomique aux meilleurs standards." - M. Philippe Marin

An article on this subject is available on our website.


The SMAP congress closed with speeches by Michel Salzet and the two company presidents. Warm thanks were extended to the many sponsors who had supported the congress, local partners, associations, the local organizing committee, the scientific committee and the volunteers who had made these few days memorable on both scientific and human levels.


Closing ceremony speeches by Joelle Vihn, Michel Salzet and Delphine Pflieger (left to right).


SMAP 2024 in a few key numbers

  • 449 registrants
  • 163 workshop participants
  • 11 keynotes
  • 62 oral presentations
  • 16 “flash” presentations
  • 123 posters
  • 28 industrial sponsors
  • 12 academic sponsors
  • 29 organizing committee members

FPS celebrates its 40th anniversary

During SMAP 2024, the longevity of the FPS was honored with the celebration of its 40 years of existence! Thierry Rabilloud, former president of the FPS (formerly SFE then SFEAP), was invited to retrace the company's history since its creation. It was thus possible to discover the path taken from the idea of creating a HUPO consortium backed by national societies, the integration of proteomic analysis into SFE to become SFEAP while he was president, to the organization of the first scientific meeting under the FPS banner. This event took place during the FPS General Meeting, the results of which can be consulted on the FPS website.


Some photos of the conference

Monday, September 16


Tuesday, September 17


Wednesday, September 18


Thursday, September 19

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