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FPS Annual General Meeting: the company celebrates its 40th anniversary and continues its commitment to promoting French proteomics!

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On September 17, 2024, FPS members attending the SMAP2024 congress in Lille gathered for the company's Annual General Meeting.

With 54 members present and two online, the meeting provided an opportunity to review the year 2023 and discuss future actions. Here are the main points discussed and decisions taken during the session.

The FPS board of directors (almost all of them)


A controlled financial situation

Paulo Marcelo, our treasurer, presented an overview of the financial situation for 2023 and projections for 2024. The financial statement for the Proteo-Aix congress has not yet been validated due to an academic payment problem (around €5,000 outstanding), but it is currently being finalized.

By 2024, the association should have 210 members. Membership payments by purchase order have often been very late, due to the change in the FPS SIRET number, linked to the change in the Board of Directors at the end of 2023. However, invoices are eventually paid.

Club Jeune's sponsors responded positively at their most recent meetings in Paris, with five partnerships confirmed for 2024.

The FPS has already budgeted €35,000 to support the organization of the EuPA 2025 congress in Saint-Malo.

Sponsorship: soliciting companies at congresses and youth meetings

Blandine Chazarin outlined the difficulties encountered in attracting industrial sponsors. Three companies expressed an interest at the end of 2023, but have not finalized their financial support for 2024. Consideration was given to how sponsorship offers could be made more attractive, in particular by increasing sponsors' visibility on SPF communication media and offering them the possibility of organizing events (such as webinars).

However, the meeting questioned the relevance of maintaining this sponsorship strategy. Indeed, some companies expressed concern about the low return on investment. In the end, it was decided to refocus efforts on securing sponsors for future congresses.

Modernization of communication tools

On the digital front, Alexandre Burel announced an update of the FPS website, with harmonized French and English pages. The page dedicated to the submission of job offers will be slightly modified to include a deadline on each job offer published. In addition, the Mag initially sent to members was replaced several months ago by a quarterly newsletter. Sent by email, it contains all the useful links for consulting information posted and updated on the FPS website.

Upcoming key scientific events for FPS

2025 will be marked by the Club Jeune Days in Grenoble, from March 31 to April 3, and by the desire to encourage young researchers to participate actively in the association. The youth presentation format will also be revised to offer more opportunities and appeal to post-doctoral researchers.

Internationally, EuPA 2025 will be a major event for the association, with dates already set for June 16-20 in Saint-Malo. The organizing committee is working closely with Dixit to ensure the success of this event. Registrations will open in early January, with an “early bird” discount available until the end of April.


Grants to support participation in training courses and conferences

The grants committee, made up of Régine Lebrun, Julie Hardouin and Avais Daulat, received numerous requests for grants this year, for a total of almost 11,000 Euros, which shows the vitality of the French proteomics society! In 2025, the FPS will continue this financial effort to support the participation of its members, primarily PhD students and post-docs, in scientific events.

The procedure for receiving a grant will be simplified, with a rapid transfer once the application has been validated by the grants committee.

Celebrating 40 years of FPS

The General Meeting concluded with a viewing of some photographs taken of the Board of Directors over the past ten years, usually seated at table during congresses. A presentation by Thierry Rabilloud finally retraced the history of FPS. He underlined the evolution and significant contribution of the FPS, formerly SFEAP, to the development of mass spectrometry, while reminding us of the importance of continuing this dynamic in the years to come. Thierry also described the epic organization of the HUPO 2002 congress in Versailles, which he and Jean Rossier were largely responsible for.

Successive presidents of FPS reunite to celebrate the company's 40th anniversary


In conclusion, the General Meeting provided an opportunity to take stock of the SPF's good health, despite the challenges it faces, particularly in terms of sponsorship to support congresses. The scientific community can look forward to many upcoming events, both nationally and internationally. The SPF will continue to support young researchers in particular, as they are the driving force behind the future of proteomics.



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