The Mag

In this section, you will find the various issues of the FPS Mag, which bring together the latest news from our community.

Please feel free to send us any suggestions for articles to be included in future issues of the Mag (conference summaries, descriptions of your research work, suggestions for new sections, etc.).

Happy reading!

Marie Duhamel / Nicolas Desbenoit

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Nota bene: the texts published via the FPS are the sole responsibility of their authors and remain their full and complete property.

Le Mag n°91 - Ete 2023

This latest issue of the FPS Mag is devoted to:

- The Youth club meeting that took place in Strasbourg in April;

- The thesis price awarded to Charlotte Brun.

We hope you enjoy reading it.


Le Mag n°90 - Printemps 2023

This new issue of the FPS Mag is devoted to:

- Honouring the work and career of Michel Zivy, who was awarded the FPS scientific prize;

- The EuBIC Winter School;

- The professions of faith of the candidates for the new FPS board.

We hope you enjoy reading it.