Announcement of the opening of registrations for the next CNRS thematic school on the theme of quantitative proteomic analysis, with a focus on data processing. This school will take place from Monday 27 May (12 noon) to Friday 31 May (2pm) 2024 in Sète, France.
The aim of the course is to provide a state-of-the-art overview of the various stages of quantitative proteomic analysis and to present and discuss the uses and methods employed. The emphasis will be on processing data generated by mass spectrometry using increasingly powerful instruments.
As this school is organised in partnership with the CNRS, registration fees are free for CNRS staff. Several grants are available for this event:
- Two 500€ scholarships offered by the French Proteomics Society (FPS);
- Two 850€ scholarships offered by the national proteomics infrastructure (ProFI-CORE), for engineers and technicians who are not CNRS staff and who work in laboratories carrying out proteomics experiments.
The deadline for scholarship applications is 15 March 2024.
You will find all the information about this school on the website https://www.bge-lab.fr/ETP2024, as well as the registration formalities and scholarship applications.
For further information, please contact the organisers at the following address
Application deadline: 5 April 2024.