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Live from the Lab: Solutions for Multi-Omics Research

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Thermo Fisher is organising a "Live from the Lab" day on Thursday 13 June 2024, which you can follow from a number of sites in Europe, including Paris and Strasbourg.

The day will be divided into two parts: in the morning, Thermo presentations will be given from Bremen, providing an opportunity to discuss what has been presented at ASMS just before; in the afternoon, on-site presentations will be organised, with each site having its own programme.


Morning session

09:30 Welcome and registration
10:00 Start of the streaming live from our site in Bremen/Germany: introduction and ASMS update
Thomas Moehring ,Thermo Fisher Scientific
10:30 Single-cell proteomics and transcriptomics of human hematopoiesis reveals proteome specific features
Benjamin Furtwängler, DTU Copenhagen
10:50 Instrumentation that scales analytical throughput reliably and practically
Philip Remes, Thermo Fisher Scientific San Jose
11:20 Break
11:45 Challenging the Thermo Scientific Astral mass analyzer – Up to 5300 proteins per single-cell at unseen quantitative accuracy to study cellular heterogeneity
Karl Mechtler, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna
12:10 Understanding drugs using proteomics
Prof. Bernhard Küster, TUM, Munich
12:35 Single-cell spatial metabolomics and lipidomics using AP-SMALDI and Orbitrap technology
Max A. Müller, TransMIT GmbH, Gießen
13:00 End of the live streaming


Strasbourg's afternoon session

14:00 Improvise, adapt and overcome: conquering difficulties in LC retention time prediction
Robbin Bouwmeester, CompOmics Group, Ghent University/VIB, Belgium
14:20 Multiomic profile integration reveals early disease signatures of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Lucas Araujo Caldi Gomes, University of Munich, Germany
14:40 ProMetIS: combined proteomics and metabolomics data analysis applied to the characterization of the Lat and Mx2 knock-out phenotypes
Etienne Thévenot, CEA Saclay
15:00 Break
15:30 Revealing the Ghost Proteome and Its Partners in Ovarian Cancer Cells through Proteogenomic Characterization
Tristan Cardon, PRISM Lille
15:50 Multi-Omics analysis of Acanthamoeba castellanii cyst formation
Marie Locard-Paulet, IPBS, Toulouse
16:10 Long live the Queen: mitochondrial maintenance uncovered by proteomics
Maïly Kervella, IPHC Strasbourg
16:30 Discussion and end of the event


The presentations will take place at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), 23 rue du Loess, Strasbourg. They can be followed remotely:


Paris' afternoon session

14:15 Analysis of plasma proteins using Astral
Magali Sarafian Bioaster
14:40 Metabolomics to analyse large medical cohorts
Florence Castelli / François Fenaille, CEA Saclay
15:05 Pause café
15:25 Redox Proteomics and Metallomics Strategies using a Tribrid Eclipse: Application to Auranofin Treatment in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines
Xhesika Limaj, SMBP ESPCI Paris
15:50 Thermo Scientific™ Ardia™ Platform : Improving efficiency in the lab
Sega N’Diaye Thermo Fisher Scientific France
16:15 Discussion et fin de l'événement


This afternoon is organised by the Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes (IPGG) with the participation of ESPCI, 6 rue Jean Calvin, Paris.



To take part in one of the Live from the Lab events, please visit You will also find the programmes for the other European sites.

Please note that registration is free but compulsory and that the number of places on site is limited.

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