The "Green Proteome" network brings together French platforms and laboratories involved in plant proteomics.
The network's annual scientific days address scientific and methodological aspects, enabling its members to present new developments, applications and scientific results.
These days will be held in Montpellier from June 10 to 11 2024 at the Institut Agro.
We will have the pleasure of listening to 4 guest speakers:
Monday, June 10th:
- Karine Gallardo - UMR1347 Agroécologie (Dijon): "Les protéines de légumineuses : état des connaissances et recherches en cours"
- Thomas Schiex - MIAT (Toulouse): "Designing new proteins with artificial intelligence"
Tuesday June 11th:
- Géraldine Jean - LS2N-FST (Nantes): "Les apports de l'algorithmique dans l’identification des peptides et l’inférence des protéines"
- Bertrand Fabre - LRSV (Toulouse): "Microprotein: ghosts within the proteome"
Registration deadline: May 24, 2024 (registration is free but compulsory)
Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 6, 2024. Send your abstract to
More information on the Green Proteome Days flyer.