The EuBIC-MS Developers Meeting will be held from February 2 to 7, 2025 at the Neustift Abbey in Varhn, Italy. The event is held every two years and is aimed specifically at the proteomics bioinformatics community. If you have already attended the Brixen proteomics summer school, you will be familiar with the venue, but if not, this is your chance to discover this abbey founded in the 12th century.
The Developers Meeting is an opportunity for developers to meet, present their work and take part in hackathons on a variety of topics. The selected hackathons are as follows:
- Mind the Gap: Leveraging AI and LLMs to connect research articles and metadata
- A Shared Flame for the Community: Adding Torch to the DLOmix framework for Deep Learning Proteomics
- Rusteomics 0.2.0 - Building the foundations of a community-driven, open-source data analysis framework in Rust
- Benchmarking of search engines with the ground truth of spatial proteomics datasets
- Explore Validation Strategies of DIA Hits with alphaDIA
- Improve integration of R and Python-based libraries for mass spectrometry data analysis
- Improving MS-based single-cell proteomics data, software and documentation
You can find presentations and discussions around the hackathons on the event's GitHub page. The hackathons form the heart of the Developers Meetings, with each group able to focus and exchange on a particular topic, and this can lead to a more ambitious project, as was the case for the ProteoBench or SDRF projects.
Registrations are open until December 15, and full details are available at https://eubic-ms.org/events/2025-developers-meeting/.
FPS will support participation in EuBIC-MS Developers Meeting 2025 by awarding two grants of 750 euros each. Information on how to apply can be found at https://www.french-proteomics-society.fr/fr/bourses